Evaluating your spiritual life

Spiritual Growth Evaluation
The Bible describes spiritual growth, or sanctification, as a Spirit produced process. This process is dynamic, life-long and involves both God’s part and our part. (Romans 8:29-31, 2 Cor. 3:17-18, Phil. 2:12-13, 2 Peter 1:3-11) Use the following survey to evaluate your own progress in becoming more and more like Jesus Christ. Remember spiritual growth is never static, no one has arrived, every believer is somewhere in the process of becoming who Christ created them to be. Your honest responses to the following statements will help you evaluate where you are in the process.
Using a scale of 0-10; 0 being not at all and 10 being consistently true, evaluate your spiritual life in the following categories. You are evaluating your own spiritual experience so be honest and real to how you are doing right now.
I Living a gospel-centered life
Read Rom. 1:1-16, Rom. 3:21-31, 1 Cor. 15:1-4
_____I am fully convinced of the gospel and of my salvation
_____I relate the truth of the gospel to how I live my daily life
_____I relate the truth of the gospel to my priorities and life goals
_____The gospel gives me peace, hope and strengthens my life of faith
_____I actively seek to share the gospel with others
II Understanding my new identity in Christ
Read Romans 6:1-11, Eph. 1:3-14, Eph. 2:1-10
_____I know what it means to be a new person in Christ
_____I am able to relate my new identity to specific areas of victory in my life
_____I increasingly see that I am dead to sin and alive to Christ
_____I experience my spiritual authority over sin and the devil
_____I am able to derive my self worth from who I am in Christ and not my performance
III Experiencing the power and fruit of the Spirit
Read Romans 8:1-16, Gal. 5:16-23, Eph. 5:18-21
_____I understand what it means to be filled with the Holy Spirit
_____I increasingly see the fruit of the Holy Spirit evidenced in my words and actions
_____I am able to yield specific areas of my life over to the Spirit’s control
_____I sense the Holy Spirit leading me into deeper intimacy with God
_____I am sensitive to and obedient to the Holy Spirit’s guidance and promptings
IV Practicing Spiritual Disciplines
Read Acts 2:41-42, 1 Tim. 4:6-10, Col. 2:6-7, 2 Tim. 2:15
_____I have a regular and meaningful Quiet Time with God
_____I spend consistent time in solitude, silence and prayer
_____I know how to do in depth personal Bible Study
_____I practice Biblical stewardship and tithing
_____I manage my time, gifts and resources for kingdom purposes
V Relating to others with encouragement and accountability
Read Romans 12:9-16, Ephesians 4:25-32, Heb. 4:12-13
_____I experience positive friendships with honest communication
_____There are people in my life with whom I am able to share my secrets
_____I am able to express and receive truth and grace in my relationships
_____I have made and am making a spiritual investment in the lives of others
_____I can see how God is using the people in my life to develop me spiritually
VI Responding with faith to life’s trials
Read James 1:1-5, Rom. 5:2-5, 2 Cor. 4:7-11
_____I am able to give thanks for the difficulties in my life
_____I can see how God has used trials to develop my character
_____I have experienced brokenness and healing in my relationship with Christ
_____I have surrendered my will and given God the right to do whatever He wants with
my life
_____God has taken me through tough circumstances where I have trusted him and
obeyed His Word
VII Demonstrating character and integrity
Read Psalm 15, 1 Tim. 3:1-13, 2 Peter 1:3-11
_____I am increasingly honest and truthful with others and myself
_____I take responsibility for my actions and seek forgiveness when I have wronged
_____I am able to set healthy personal boundaries
_____I have a teachable spirit and positively receive instruction and correction
_____I have non-negotiable convictions about right and wrong based on God’s Word
VIII Serving in Kingdom Ministry
Read Matt. 25:31-41, 1 Cor. 12:4-13, Mt. 28:18-20
_____I embrace a servant’s attitude and commitment to Christ’s Kingdom
_____I understand the concept of spiritual gifts and I am using my gifts in ministry
_____I live a life that reflects Christ and is a positive witness to others
_____I regularly share my story of faith in Christ with others
_____I actively seek to encourage and disciple others in Christ
Total all of your answers to get a cumulative score. Your total represents your evaluation of your spiritual life. Record the date so that as you take this test in the future you will be able to track you spiritual progress.
_____Total Date_________
What was your strongest category?
What was your weakest category?
What is your interpretation of your own sense of your strengths and weaknesses?
Re-read the Scriptures related to your weakest category. In dependence upon the Holy Spirit, what actions steps can you take to grow in this area?